For a few years now I have wondered where Blue Herons nest, and what young Blue Herons look like!
Two weeks ago I was very fortunate to see hundreds of young Blue Herons nesting in the trees in Tsawwassen BC. At first glance at the trees there did not see any birds at all, but I could hear an unusual chatter. When I first spotted the large birds, perched in the trees I was amazed. There were about 150 pairs of herons nesting in about 20 trees.
Watching a full grown heron landing in a tree is a magnificent display of agility and grace.( Some are a little bit awkward!) I was able to see between 2 and 3 young herons in some nests, as they stood up, stretched their wings and begged their mother for food. The little herons are more adorable than I could have ever imagined.
In the middle of the nesting Blue Heron colony stands a big old Douglas Fir tree with an eagles nest perched on top.
To my surprise I spotted little fuzzy eagle head pop up and look over the edge. Wow. This was better than any National Geographic show I had ever seen, and only15 min from my house. We do live in a beautiful province and city. So get out and explore your neighborhood! You will see..........Life IS Beautiful!